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Glastonbury Forum : News Items

  Posted By king mob - 05-April-2008 - 1:50pm - 178 comments - Edit

Ticket day is tomorrow April 6th from 9am.

Online sales are through http://www.seetickets.com/

Telephone numbers are 08000792008 if you're in the UK, 00441159934183 if you're not.

Good luck.

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Glastonbury Forum : News comments

Posted By BetsyBounce on 05-April-2008 at 3:03pm

urgh - got that gurgly feeling inside again..... don't want 2 go on my own but absolutely can't miss Leonard Cohen (aka Len the Miserable)


on the off chance..... I'm only after 1 tic this yr so if any coupley folks get through needing 2 it would b a massive favour if u can get mine aswell..... I'm gd 4 the cash - just ask any of the regulars (aka oldtimer saddos) I's well minted!!! 


Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 8:30am
Anyone got the link to the actual order page?

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 8:31am
What a friggin surprise, every year the same message

The service is currently busy

Please try again

Unfortunately, we are experiencing a much higher level of demand than normal and are limiting the number of simultaneous users in order to provide the best possible level of service.

Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 8:38am

morning all - god but this is hellish early....... but nice & snowy

gd luck!!

Posted By Choci Leeds on 06-April-2008 at 8:39am
still the same message  :(

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 8:45am

Seeticket restrict the number of connections based upon IP address.  The only way you can get on the site is if


1) someone else disconnects

2)Seeticket's system recognises a connection has been dropped


It protects their servers from melt down, those who get through should be able to navigate through the site and complete a transaction.  Its the nearest thing to a lottery you'll get.


NB so there is no point in having several browsers open hammering the site.  Maybe serveral internet connetions :)

Posted By Choci Leeds on 06-April-2008 at 8:56am
can we also use the number it gives out on the SERVER BUSY page?

Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 8:56am
It's a good job "I am a .... Looking for a.... Postcode"  I've never felt satisfied but if I could find a Postcode I believe I would be truly complete

Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 8:58am
toastedsocks wrote:

Seeticket restrict the number of connections based upon IP address.  The only way you can get on the site is if


1) someone else disconnects

2)Seeticket's system recognises a connection has been dropped


It protects their servers from melt down, those who get through should be able to navigate through the site and complete a transaction.  Its the nearest thing to a lottery you'll get.


NB so there is no point in having several browsers open hammering the site.  Maybe serveral internet connetions :)

but it does meanthat when u get ur tix u should close ur browser (after writing down ur confirmation No. of course) Then every1 gets a better crack at getting thru

Posted By la la la on 06-April-2008 at 9:02am

anybody phoning in?

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 9:03am

Hmm seem the ip restriction isnt working as well as expected :0)


Network Error (tcp_error)

A communication error occurred: ""
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.

Posted By la la la on 06-April-2008 at 9:07am

ive never done this before!


could someone tell me if my call is rejected does that mean that the phone line is busy or its something wrong with my phone?

many thanks


Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 9:14am


The line drops cos the phone network cant cope.  If its not dropped you will probably get through to an egaged tone.  If you get through you will be put in a q.  If you get through to the end of the q you've made it:)


The number on the 'site is busy' page is misleading they claim they dont take orders for glastonbury on it.


Posted By Somersetlovely on 06-April-2008 at 9:17am

I got in!! :-) xxxxx
Best of luck!

Posted By niks1101 on 06-April-2008 at 9:21am
can somebody please confrim if you are also NOT able to get to the busy page

so far I have only ever got the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" page

anybody else confim this? otherwise I might need to go to another internet connection somewhere!!

Posted By Somersetlovely on 06-April-2008 at 9:21am
I tried phoning in but it either connected for about 15 secs of silence, otherwise I got constant engaged tone....

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 9:23am
i'm trying no luck yet


Posted By jaspair on 06-April-2008 at 9:27am
Got my tickets at 9:13! Very very excited! Keep trying folks, YOU CAN DO IT!

Posted By bromheadsjoe on 06-April-2008 at 9:27am
i had that internet cannot connect too. now i have busy.

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 9:28am
if anyone gets in please email me link please


Posted By rogerroker46 on 06-April-2008 at 9:32am
when people get past the busy pages can you PLEASE copy the url and post it on here
this helps people get through and we will be ever so grateful!

Posted By ShuMart on 06-April-2008 at 9:37am


was LAST years link, I haved it just incase it was usefull so


MIGHT be this years

you could also try


Tho I havnt actually got them to work yet... worth a try tho.

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 9:37am
bloody thing is saying my registration number has already been used!

Posted By ShuMart on 06-April-2008 at 9:37am


was LAST years link, I haved it just incase it was usefull so


MIGHT be this years

you could also try


Tho I havnt actually got them to work yet... worth a try tho.

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 9:40am

Anyone know how long it takes to get your conf email?


I didnt get a visual conf that the booking went through - got errors..

Posted By ShuMart on 06-April-2008 at 9:43am

I also remember from last year that once you have the form loaded and you have submitted your application, just hit the back button on your browser and you can put someone elses order and hit submit, my m ordered about 15 peoples tickets like this and everyone went through fine.

One last trick is in the web addres the HTTP bit edit it to be HTTPS which gets the info from the secure server not the normal server and vice versa

Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 9:44am

took about 2 days 4 conf email last yr, did u get a conf No.?

the cust servs works better from wednesday!

Posted By ShuMart on 06-April-2008 at 9:45am
My confirmation email last year came through late evening

Posted By Buffystar on 06-April-2008 at 9:46am
anyone get through yet ???

Posted By niks1101 on 06-April-2008 at 9:47am
i've got two internet connections going one here and one in the US and I STILL can't get past the timeout message!!!

I would be happy just to see the busy page! any others like me?? pls confirm

Posted By evilgenius on 06-April-2008 at 9:49am

Got My Ticket and 3 others at 9.35 what a beast my PC is!

p.s Dont refresh when you get the page up just click back the forward

Good luck all

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 9:51am
what was the link you used?

Posted By Buffystar on 06-April-2008 at 9:53am
yeah was it just www.seetickeys.com or did you add anything ???

Posted By netski on 06-April-2008 at 9:57am

got my tickets in rocord time at 9.15 am !!!!

heres a helpful link: http://www.seetickets.com/g2008/

or here: http://www.seetickets.com/g2008/regform.asp?orig=uk

think theres some issues though with people not being sure whether they have tickets or not (if they are trying in lots of different places) as it came up with error message of 'this postcode and reg number has been used' - so i presume that means you have a ticket?

anyway goodluck!

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 10:02am

the page its posted earlier in this thread

Posted By cliffy_biro on 06-April-2008 at 10:04am


Link is good.


I got 6 tickets before 9.35


Just make sure u get your postcodes spot on is all i can say! And once on forms, just use backwards button if any errors occur.


You may have to submit payment page a few times before confirmation page comes up - and it takes a long time to load.

Posted By cliffy_biro on 06-April-2008 at 10:06am
i have a feeling the system is working well again this year and that tickets will go fast.

Posted By niks1101 on 06-April-2008 at 10:07am
can anybody pls supply just one word on the registration form page?

trying to automate the refresh, cheers

Posted By thecedarroom on 06-April-2008 at 10:08am
Got my tickets! the links you got above are good - use them if you want a chance of getting through! :)

Posted By niks1101 on 06-April-2008 at 10:08am
can anybody pls supply just one word on the registration form page?

trying to automate the refresh, cheers

Posted By thecedarroom on 06-April-2008 at 10:09am
The links above are good! use them! I got mine at 9:05 am! 

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 10:10am
any chance someone wants to keep trying and get me a 2 tx

0777 922 9731

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 10:10am
any chance someone wants to keep trying and get me a 2 tx

0777 922 9731

have reg numbers and info ready

Posted By barbadianne on 06-April-2008 at 10:18am
Has anyone gotten through by phone?

Posted By barbadianne on 06-April-2008 at 10:20am

Anyone try by phone?



Posted By lizzimon on 06-April-2008 at 10:21am
Aaaaah! Its my son's 2 nd birthday and he is currently being ignored!!! Please someone, help me to be a better parent!  If anyone has the form open and has already got their tickets PLEASE call me on 07976 227784 and help me get mine!!! Will be grateful forever!  Have got details ready......

Posted By Choci Leeds on 06-April-2008 at 10:24am

I didnt get through by fone and was trying 2 mobiles and a land line..  just about to give up 10 mins ago...

I thought one last try so opened up Internet explorer and tried the URL and Bingo I got thru.. I cant believe how lucky that was!!  :)

I really hope u are all lucky, I'd suggest the web rather than fone

Good luck


Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 10:28am
try again and help me please

0777 922 9731

Posted By la la la on 06-April-2008 at 10:29am

ive got through to the website


good but it says that it can not load up the page

when submitting


ANY HELP Pllleaseeee

Posted By rogerroker46 on 06-April-2008 at 10:30am
we're through to the card entering page
done all of it but its taking ages to submit
has anyone else had this problem?

Posted By glastoprincess on 06-April-2008 at 10:30am
I have 2 reg pages open and can get someone their tickets if they want.  PM me.

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 10:30am
You'd feel so great helping another human being!

077 922 9731

Posted By pacopaco on 06-April-2008 at 10:33am
im frm london, would also highly appreciate a hand if someone goes through
anybody wants to team up? we are 2

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 10:33am
Sorry my number for anyone in is

0777 922 9731

am waiting

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 10:35am

The webserver and the data base server and the payment gateway are being hammered.  If you get past the busy page you are in, but the pages may then not lall load (time out, etc), so you will have to keep trying.  If you get through to  page where you can put stuff in, click submit, if you get an error or timeout click BACK and try to submit again.  You'll have to do this all the way through until you get a payment conf or an error saying your ids have been used.


Your ids used suggest the database has a booking in your name but the website gave up trying to load the confirmation....or the site is fooked.  There is no chance of customer support today as they are all answering booking calls.

Posted By moonfleet on 06-April-2008 at 10:38am

Just got through booked ticket entered debit card details and submitted .and then got busy page ! tried to re enter details message kept saying error reg numbers already been used ! does this mean it went through ?

Posted By la la la on 06-April-2008 at 10:40am

once you put in your codes are you defo gunna get the tickets or is it only when you have got a conformation e-mail through


iam on but its not loading up for me!

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 10:41am
if you got in once its easier to get in again.
Please those of you in help me. Can't get anywhere online.


0777 922 9731

Posted By apolak on 06-April-2008 at 10:42am
i dunno, got the same message saying registration numbers have already been used and have had no confirmation by email telling me it went through.  What a joke of a system

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 10:43am
Emails wont come through for hours

Posted By la la la on 06-April-2008 at 10:44am

ive entered everything!

just wont confirm



Posted By desidoh on 06-April-2008 at 10:47am
Hi - been trying online since 8.45am

Anybody through who would like to help 4 desperate guys to go to glasto?

PM me - or post a msg and I will PM you!

Posted By Causy on 06-April-2008 at 10:52am
On the form now, submitted and processing....

And waiting...

Posted By vgrade on 06-April-2008 at 10:52am
10:47 service unavailable, looks like a reeboot.

Posted By la la la on 06-April-2008 at 10:55am

just got mine




first time every at a festival YAY! so cant wait to go owwww :-)

keep trying people



Posted By glastoprincess on 06-April-2008 at 10:56am
It's not working now.  Sorry guys...

Posted By craigjay on 06-April-2008 at 10:56am

Has any one else had this problem??

Got to submit payment details, waited for ages.... but didn't get confirmation page. Tried to re submit and was told there was an error and my registration details had already been used!!


Posted By mairi28 on 06-April-2008 at 10:58am
Had the exact same problem craigjay.....I'm gonna be mad if I haven't got tickets!

Anyone else know anything more about this?

Posted By niks1101 on 06-April-2008 at 11:00am
craigjay - that mean's you have tix mate. nice one

Posted By Shishkooler on 06-April-2008 at 11:01am

It's saying that our numbers have already been used.  My mate got through to the card payment bit but it didn't confirm and then timed out!!!

ARRGH!!   Anyone else had this issue??


Posted By dbest on 06-April-2008 at 11:02am

Had the same problem as craigjay...

...there's a post above from toastedsocks on this issue that makes sense....

...the more I think about it, the more I reckon we are okay.

If the system says our registration number has "already been used" - even if we didnt get a confirmation number - then our booking is on the system, right?

Or is that just wishful thinking?

Posted By craigjay on 06-April-2008 at 11:02am


Hope so niks1101!!


Thanks guys.......fingers crossed!!!

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 11:02am
please try again to help me am getting so nervous

0777 922 9731

call me and keep trying to get in pls.

Posted By vgrade on 06-April-2008 at 11:03am
The service is currently very busy

Please try again a little later

New message.

Probably stopping taking new orders so people can complete current transactions.

Posted By gianfrancozola on 06-April-2008 at 11:03am
same here, but i am confident all is cool. why else would it say your reg details are no longer valid?

as every year now the wait for the confirmation e-mail begins

good luck everybody

Posted By niks1101 on 06-April-2008 at 11:05am
*everybody* has been getting this message after reg. so it's all cool, stop hitting the site and let others through ;)


Posted By vgrade on 06-April-2008 at 11:06am

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 11:07am

I had the 'id used' error


My confirmation email has just come through!

Posted By reasons2Bchfull on 06-April-2008 at 11:07am
Same here. Got to payment confirmation page but then it hung. Tried again and it said reggie numbers had been used so fingers crossed.
What I have done is taken a screen dump of the page that tells me my numbers have been used, but what good it will do me heaven only knows

Posted By Buffystar on 06-April-2008 at 11:09am
Same as most of you put card details in then submit the page took ages then blank page tried refresh back forward etc same thing every time.

Then tried to put reg details in again and already used ?????

See tickets really need to sort there act out every year the same problems.

Bloody useless no customer service.

Even rang my bank and they said they had had hundreds of calls today with the same things.

She said she had no record of any transactions yet but she saw the same with everyone else.

Hmmmmm  well fingers crossed ........ and legs and eyes well everything.

Posted By Ozric on 06-April-2008 at 11:09am
nice one toastedsocks, how long did it take for your confirmation email to come through?

And has anyone else tried the phones?  I have been but it always just says that the number isn't recognised, only had an engaged tone twice since 9am

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 11:13am
i'm not even close to getting in. HELP!!!

0777 922 9731

Posted By mairi28 on 06-April-2008 at 11:14am
Also, how come it didn't ask for the cardholder's name in payment? I didn't use my own card - that's not a problem right? (I used my sister's, didn't mean I stole one lol)

Posted By Somersetlovely on 06-April-2008 at 11:15am

(by the way this was in relation to it saying that your registration numbers have already been used) xx

Posted By artl2377 on 06-April-2008 at 11:15am

Got to ticket screen at 09:06, took 22 minutes to complete transaction, got email conf of order 1 hour later. All things considered -  amount of traffic they are handingly this is pretty faultless.

You wont see the money going out of your bank for some time - this is done in stages - otherwise the BACS system will flood too, and cause even more problems.

Patience is required !!


Posted By xian on 06-April-2008 at 11:16am
I got a call from my brother earlier as he had had the same problem, where it stated the id numbers had already been used.

He called again to say about an hour later he had received a confirmation email. In the mean time I, too, had received the same message. So fingers crossed for us all who have got that message, it looks like we've got tickets.

I'll let everyoneknow if I get my confirmation, in about 40mins.

Posted By mairi28 on 06-April-2008 at 11:17am
Thanks guys, that's very reassuring!

Posted By toastedsocks on 06-April-2008 at 11:18am

Card transactions do not always occur straight away.  The intitial process is usually to check you have any money ("pre-auth") or if your details match (ie is the card a valid one against your name and address).  So transactions wont show up yet.

The theory on the data base having your order but the site timing out asking for the confirmation appears to be correct. 

My confirmaiton email took about 1.5 hours to come through. 

As your id has been used there is no point in trying to use the site anymore as this wont change.  Seetickets wont be able to help you as they are snowed answering calls to buy tickets.  I can only suggest if you have the "IDs used message" take a screen dump and go and enjoy the rest of your sunday.


Posted By jesus0000 on 06-April-2008 at 11:19am
AHHHH! I got through and got my 4 tickets like 1:20 agao, but clicked to
buy more before I got the confirmation no. down. I'm sooo worried that
for some stupid reason the transaction might not go through and ill
have nothing to prove I got them!!! How long did ur confirmation emails

Posted By vgrade on 06-April-2008 at 11:24am

1 adult ticket + 1 car park

Posted By mairi28 on 06-April-2008 at 11:24am
I never even saw a confirmation page....

Posted By toffeerob on 06-April-2008 at 11:41am
Has anybody had trouble with eight didgit registration numbers received by postal entries not being recognised on the website?

Posted By ladyjeff on 06-April-2008 at 11:42am
I've just registered here to say thanks to everyone who posted about
the process online and on the phones this morning. After trying since
8.55 this morning and one false booking (never got past the card details
stage, tried again and realised the IDs hadn't been used up) we've got a
confirmation screen for four tickets.

Thanks again all, and I'll get the hell off the site now :)

Posted By smitch on 06-April-2008 at 11:49am
i clicked submit and then it said the server was too busy. tried to go back to the page and the submit button says submitted, please wait BUT no confirmation page or anything.
Have i got the tickets?

Thanks alot for any responses

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 11:49am
i'm in call me if you want tx


Posted By smitch on 06-April-2008 at 11:52am
i cant use the reg numbers again as it says they've already been used so does this mean that I have tickets?
just need a confirmation

Posted By craigypearson on 06-April-2008 at 11:59am

Yes you have tickets if you get the message that the registration number has already been used emails will take around 4 or more hours to get to you. Don't worry if you havent actually seen the confirmation page.

I have two ticket spots here so if you want tickets email me or post your number and ill get them for you i have already got 12.

Be aware that i will not be paying for the tickets using my details so be prepared to tell me your accrount details. Not posting my number for spam reasons, you post yours or send me yours to craigy.pearson@gmail.com

Good luck!

Posted By StevePBS on 06-April-2008 at 12:01pm

Well. i think i'm in the same boat as everyone else. Got through online at around 10.30am, submitted all details but no confirmation on the website. Then backed up and resubmitted several times, still no joy.

Finally tried again from afresh and it stated my registration numbers had already been used.......

......and no confirmation email.

Does anyone know FOR SURE that this means the tickets are secured?

Posted By moonfleet on 06-April-2008 at 12:01pm
have booking page open anybody still needing help ?

Posted By craigypearson on 06-April-2008 at 12:05pm

i have two booking pages open which will expire in the next 10 minutes... email me so that we can arrange a phone call...


Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 12:05pm
thank you moonfleet.

Posted By moonfleet on 06-April-2008 at 12:06pm

  Just got confirmation e,mail saying purchase has been confirmed.



Posted By jeanie_t on 06-April-2008 at 12:06pm

hi - sumitted payment details, then server crashed, had no confirmation screen, or email, but cannot use numbers again

trying to get through to see tickets is a joke at the moment, - anyone in the same boat?  do you think we got them?

Posted By moonfleet on 06-April-2008 at 12:07pm

Your welcome flyleen just got confirmation

im sure you,ll get a confirmation e,mail soon, Ed

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 12:10pm

Posted By smitch on 06-April-2008 at 12:13pm
does that link mean that you have the tickets?

Posted By mammff on 06-April-2008 at 12:14pm
This really is such a joke!!! So say they only have 100 telephone operators answering the phones!! Surely 2 christ with all this supposed new tech there must other way's!!! Have'nt been able able to speak to my friend who like so many of you was on the fone a just b4 9am. Thank god for Carnival Clubs needing help during Pilton as thats how i'm getting my ticket.

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 12:14pm
just got straight in again...just posting it if anyone needs in.

Posted By craigypearson on 06-April-2008 at 12:16pm

Same here i can get through no problem...


Posted By craigjay on 06-April-2008 at 12:26pm

For those that are still unsure if their order went through successfully, we found this helpful.

Go to seetickets.com and click on customer services, then click a link that says reference number retrieval, enter your postcode and last 4 digits from your payment card and it should give you peace of mind! Also don't panic if it shows twoorders, we think its for tickets and car parking!!

Hope that helps!

Posted By reasons2Bchfull on 06-April-2008 at 12:30pm
This is not a windup and I do not want to ruin anyones day.....but......
I went through earlier and put an order in which was not confirmed. I then could not use my reggie numbers as the site said they had been used. I didn't want to accept this so I have just got through on the phone to confirm. Guess what. Their master computer says my registration numbers have not been used, so I've now ordered over the phone.
My advice to all of you is try and get thru on the phone and get them to check.
Thankfully my attendance run which dates back to 1979 will continue.
Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but i recommend you all check
Good Luck

Posted By craigypearson on 06-April-2008 at 12:35pm

Id say its a windup... all 12 tickets i ordered with the registration error have all received confirmation emails

Dont panic people if you get the error message that means the system has logs of your ticket attempt... dunno where that guy got his information from but he is definately wrong. There is time delay in the servers replicating and swapping information which probably explains a part of what reasons said but i wouldnt worry personally you get a ticket number id once you submit any card details with or without a confirmation

Posted By reasons2Bchfull on 06-April-2008 at 12:38pm
Not a wind up. I wouldn't do that. I've re-ordered on the phone

Posted By wild-welsh-rose on 06-April-2008 at 12:38pm

defiantly agreee with craigpearson

if your numbers cant be used again it means they have tickets!!!!!!

i have confirmation now for all the ones with errors.

dont worry


Posted By spangletone on 06-April-2008 at 12:41pm
I've had the same problem as many others, put card details in then it says that my number has already been used. Don't worry guys, ur email will come thru, be patient tho, mine took 2 hours!!

Posted By xian on 06-April-2008 at 12:41pm
I have just this second received my confirmation email, about an hour and a half after booking.

I didn't received confirmation when booking and subsequent attempts to book gave the error saying that the numbers had already been used.

I did try what craigjay suggeted though it didn't show anthing for me.

Hope that reassures people.

Posted By mairi28 on 06-April-2008 at 12:42pm
This is excruciating...

Posted By moonfleet on 06-April-2008 at 12:43pm
Same here have E,mail confirmation for 3 tickets and they had error at booking page !

Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 12:45pm
i'm with u on that 1 - root canal work was more fun (although i was stoned off my brains on diazepam  )

Posted By barbadianne on 06-April-2008 at 12:46pm

I tried the to retrieve my confirmation number through seetickets website and they havn't got an order?

I submitted twice and they won't let me use my numbers anymore!

Any advice?



Posted By Powelly on 06-April-2008 at 12:48pm
I have ordered one and this was the final screen:

But now i tried that method which craigjay suggested to a reference number retrteival and it hasn't worked:

Posted By kellenny on 06-April-2008 at 12:49pm

i ordered tickets on phone, got confirmation number and the see tickets order tracker says no order, so i don't think it's working properly as i def have tickets.

Hope this helps!

Posted By Powelly on 06-April-2008 at 12:50pm
ok thats a nice bit of re-assurance, thanks :)

Posted By jeanie_t on 06-April-2008 at 12:51pm
i didnt get to that screen, entered card details, sent, got no confirmation and unable to re-use the numbers - getting severly agitated now....... about to give up and go get sum sunday fodder at the pub!!!

Posted By sortzcov on 06-April-2008 at 12:58pm
I was getting the reply that both the codes I was using were already used, but then I was told that one of the postcodes may have been incorrect, so I changed it and when the page loads up it only shows one of the registrations as being incorrect and the one I changed is blank....perhaps I should sit tight, after all the postcodes I entered were the ones it displayed before I entered my card details.

Posted By craigypearson on 06-April-2008 at 12:58pm

Your order has not been processed yet, it takes roughly 2 hours for it to be processed. The computers that are running the website are only set to swap information on certain intervals. Meaning that you wont have a reference number assigned to you yet. Here is how the system works to put everyone at ease.

You get to the application form page. Once a valid registration number is entered you are assigned a buying seat number. This is similar to the tickets you get in a post office when waiting to be served. (From this point all your details are logged and stored on a database)

Once you agree with the details that you entered and then you enter your bank details and press the continue/send button. The information is sent to the seetickets server with your ticket ID number. Your total order is then sent in a master queue so that the following can occur:

Your registration details get disabled so they cannot be assigned duplicate orders.
Your Tickets are a assigned and discounted from the sales department.
Your bank details are then sent to a queue for mass authentication (this is the process which takes around 2 hours)
Once your bank details are authenticated you are then assigned a reference number
You are then added to the confirmation mailing list which is sent out on intervals.

The confirmation page is supposed to appear once the command for the account registration numbers have been disabled. However the computer times out because this process takes too long as a result of so many people buying tickets.

Because of the above process the message "Registration number or postcode has already been used" means that your order is being processed as your registration number has been marked as disabled which is the very first step.

Hope this provides peace of mind.

Posted By mairi28 on 06-April-2008 at 12:59pm
Confirmation email, yay! 2 hours after booking. Stay positive people - the vast majority of these "errors" seem to have gone through.

Posted By Ozric on 06-April-2008 at 12:59pm
I've just got my confirmation email through about 2.5 hours after booking my tickets.  I had the same problem where it timed out before the confirmation page, and then said that my registration numbers had already been used.  I would definitely say that if it says your numbers have been used then you have your tickets, just have to wait a while.

I know that there have been a lot of people posting this already, but there still seems to be some doubt, so I thought that I would add my efforts too.  I'm sure it will be fine

Posted By A_P_8 on 06-April-2008 at 1:05pm

I read reasons2Bchfull's post and decided to double check with Seetickets. 

I phoned and miraculously got through on the 4th attempt.  They said that although I had submitted all my payment information etc online and had got the 'your registration numbers have already been used' message, which led me to be hopeful that my order was being processed, that I hadn't been allocated any tickets.  I then bought them over the phone.  Really glad I looked at reasons2Bchfull's post as without that I would have been resting on my laurels.

I guess the truth is that no one really knows the ins and outs of the booking system apart from Seetickets.  I don't think there's any need for mass panic but anyone who wants to be reassured, it may be worth phoning to buy tickets if you haven't got a confirmation email or reference number on the Seetickets Customer Service page.

Good luck!

Posted By reasons2Bchfull on 06-April-2008 at 1:10pm
Thankyou AP. If I've helped even one person to be sure they have tickets then I'm happy

Posted By craigypearson on 06-April-2008 at 1:12pm

The difference between online and phone booking is the authentication process on the card.

One is done instantly (phone)
The other is done on a set time period (online)

Which is why the people on the phone cannot see if your tickets are allocated. The computers that hold the online transactions do it on a set time so they can handle the shear load of people.

If you have the message dont go ringing it will be a waste of your time... im actaully tempted to put my friends number on here so you can ring him he is a technician at seetickets


Posted By jeanie_t on 06-April-2008 at 1:12pm
im in the queue to check........  i'll post once i have any info

Posted By jeanie_t on 06-April-2008 at 1:19pm

have just got through to see, our tickets have been booked - our postcode is our confirmation, apparently, be patient for the email, and if you call, take the agents name for reference!!!!!

I had no confirmation screen, it crashed upon submission of payment details then would not let me re-submit a dupliate order!


Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 1:27pm
woohoo email received..... as they say on some other (less fun) board..... see you in the sunshine

Posted By ali_jane on 06-April-2008 at 1:38pm
For everyone who is unsure if they've got tickets or not!!!

I just managed to get through on the phone and explained that I didn't see a confirmation page and I haven't recieved a confirmation email but when I try for tickets again it says my registration number has already been used and he said that means that I have DEFINATELY got tickets but it can take up to 5 hours to recieve a confirmation email.

Still a bit concerned until i see the confirmation for myself but hope this helps.

Posted By Barny on 06-April-2008 at 1:48pm
have they even sold out yet?

Posted By craigjay on 06-April-2008 at 1:50pm

Just received our confirmation, 3 and a half hours after booking went through, so remain positive!

Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 1:53pm

Barny wrote:
have they even sold out yet?

i don't think so..... official website has no news and BBC r completely ignoring it this yr. watch this space

Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 1:55pm
it's a straight click thru 2 the order page now so if you're still trying on the phone then get 2 a PC

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 2:01pm

If this is any help at all: we had the same - entered all of our details including bank and it was doing something for about 10 mins then crashed. This was at 10:30.  Then when we tried to enter again it said our info had already been submitted.

After reading various forums I panicked and phone customer services and the lovely lady assured me that this was confirmation that we had tickets. She said it's taking around 4 hours to process.  I even tried the tracking system and it said there was no order but she said that takes up to 4 hours too.

Well, we've just had our confirmation email - 3 hours after so hang on in there chaps.

Any idea if they've all sold yet?

Posted By king mob on 06-April-2008 at 2:48pm
Well, it looks like fun was had by all. Nice to see the same old problems have happened again.

Posted By beckster27 on 06-April-2008 at 3:03pm


Me and my friend recieved our confirmation email's 4 hours after finally getting through and after a load of errors, so hang on in there guys.......like most we didnt get to the confirmation page and then on the retrieve page on seetickets.com we couldnt retrieve any info and then after all the panacking we finally got a confirmation email.......

Godd luck to those still waiting and hopefully see you there x

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 3:07pm
I have realised that in all the panic and confusion that we didn't select car parking tickets. Saying that we don't remember having the option as it all crashed.

Is that it now?  Does any one know if we are unable to actually get car parking tickets now? Doh!

Our mate who's coming with us is currently in Australia and he only wanted to come if we drove..... gulp

Posted By ShuMart on 06-April-2008 at 3:09pm
You can ouder car parking tickets afterwards

Posted By beckster27 on 06-April-2008 at 3:10pm

Hi Button.....

You can buy car parking tickets there but are not garunteed a spot, why not try the official website glastonburyfestival.co.uk and read up on it......or whynot try a car share, i have 3 places left in my car!!

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 3:13pm
Thanks guys. I read on the actual website and it says that you have to say when buying your ticket - ooopsie.

Aw that's so sweet thanks beckster. There's 4 of us. We only live down the road you see and just thought it'd be easier to drive.  Poop.

If only we hadn't panicked - we'd probably of been able to have a lie-in, had breakfast, a shower, walked the rabbit then got them at ease. Doh.

Posted By beckster27 on 06-April-2008 at 3:17pm

Your welcome Button....

Im sure you will figure out how to get a car ticket and if i hear anything il leave you a post x

Posted By jeanie_t on 06-April-2008 at 3:19pm

yup - been out for some food, came back to find our confirmation email, i'd say it was a lot less stressful than last time!

theres still tickets left which im astonished by! looking forward to the summer in somerset at 32 weeks pregnant!

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 3:25pm
Yeah it's pretty bizarre isn't it!?  32 weeks pregnant - cool!! Start 'em young

I keep going into the registration form as it's just so novel!!

And thanks beckster - if anyone does know of any way to obtain one then please let me know.  My mate's gonna kill me

Posted By jeanie_t on 06-April-2008 at 3:29pm
its mad isnt it? but i havent come across any of our lot that hasnt got tickets, so its all good at the end of the day!  you can buy car parking from see at a later date - or in the car park off a steward on the day

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 3:31pm
Oh ok jeanie_t, thanks.

It's just that I've read everywhere in bold that you must request one when buying your actual ticket so I'm panicking (that should be my middle name really)

Posted By jeanie_t on 06-April-2008 at 3:35pm

car parking tickets are easy enouigh to get - i was in a tizz over the same thing last year - and just bought on the gate, but you can get from see if needed

i think the frenzy is over now  :P

Posted By moonfleet on 06-April-2008 at 3:45pm
 Just wanted to say thank you to the people who put the links on for us to get through.many thanks have a great festival ..

Posted By stevie888 on 06-April-2008 at 4:21pm
Over the moon with getting tickets!!  First time going!

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 4:22pm
Cool - congratulations stevie888!!

Lets hope it's a sunny one.  It was my first one last year and boy was it muddy!

My plan for this year is: drink more.

Posted By stevie888 on 06-April-2008 at 4:27pm
Yer surely the weather will be nice one year, maybe this years the one!  Can you take ur own drink with onto the campsite?

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 4:35pm
Yeah, you're just not allowed to take glass (I think). Well that's what the rule was last year.  It's great but at the same time not so as it's so heavy to carry 

I've got a feeling it's going to be nice this year.... but I said that last year too! Ha

Posted By Jambo on 06-April-2008 at 4:38pm
Hi everyone,

I got my tickets this morning, it seems as if everyone had the same problems, with them entering their details but not getting through to the confirmation page, however, i got my confirmation e-mail 45 minutes later.

It was my first time last year, and boy oh boy it was amazing! Arctic Monkeys were top notch!!

Thanks to everyone for putting up the links!

Are the tickets sold out yet?

Posted By Jambo on 06-April-2008 at 4:41pm
Also regarding the parking for that bloke, it doesn't matter if you don't get book the car park space, you can call them up at a later date and order one, they will send them through the post. It happened to us last year. Don't worry just give them a call and you'll get your car space.

Will the wristbands be the same colour this year?

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 4:43pm
I've got a car parking ticket now (and I'm a girl ) thanks.

I reckon the bands will be a different colour. I've still got mine on and so has my boyfriend who's also got a yellow one from a few years ago. He's going to have quite a collection

Posted By Jambo on 06-April-2008 at 4:59pm
Sorry, for the madam earlier. Better? 

Posted By sortzcov on 06-April-2008 at 5:01pm
I havent got my conformation yet and thats 5 hours now :(

Still can't get through on th phone either to confirm that it was booked...I had the problem with my registration numbers.

Posted By NedK on 06-April-2008 at 5:12pm
Nearly three hours of clicking "You are welcome to retry" eventually
paid off earlier! :) Thought I was never going to get one at 11 o'clock..

Would anyone know if you can somehow book the buses to and from
the campsite without buying them as part of your ticket? My friends and
I booked just the festival tickets earlier and we're after noticing it'd
probably be best if we could use the festival buses to get to and from

Posted By flyleen on 06-April-2008 at 5:38pm
i am still waiting for my confirmation to come through after all the going
through the process this morning at 11 and have tried to put my reg
numbers in again...won't accept. should i be worried?

Anyone still waiting for confirmation from this morning?

Posted By BetsyBounce on 06-April-2008 at 6:04pm

Well, I've had a shower and a nap and I feel much better now.  Although my hair wasn't quite dry when I lay down so that's a whole other story ;)

Gd 2 c that every1 got sorted in the end.  All the little niggles re carpark etc will reolve themslves quietly over the course of the next week when the See customer servs lines calm down.

NedK - There's a million buses from Bristol, KingMob is the best 2 ask cos he lives there 2.

Looks like tix r still avail if any1 gave up at 10.30 (as I nearly did). Hurrah


Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 6:15pm
Thanks Jambo - I was only joking.

sortzcov - try not to worry. I called and spoke to someone and she assured me that if you've tried to get tickets again and it says that your reg. no. has already been submitted then that is 100% confirmation that you have a ticket.

I will admit though that I wasn't happy until I had that email.  She told that it was taking around 4 hours to process but maybe it's just taking a bit longer.

NedK - I got a bus ticket straight there from Bristol so you'll be fine (which was funny seeing as I live in Devon!!)

Posted By NedK on 06-April-2008 at 7:19pm
That's cool. Sure i've loads of time to organize a bus there anyway.

Posted By furryvision on 06-April-2008 at 7:34pm

will someone PLEASE help me!

those of you who say you've tried to buy tickets again, but can't as the registered numbers have already been used- on which page does it say this? is it straight after you've submitted the numbers or after you've paid?

because i bought some this morning, no confirmation whatsoever. so i've tried to buy them again, put the registered numbers in, yet it says nothing about them being used. i'm scared of submitting the debit card number incase it messes up my order from this morning? don't know what to do- just go for it? i'm scared that i haven't got the tickets, and it hasn't said that my registering numbers have been used, or does it only say that after paying? thanks!

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 8:07pm
hi furryvision.

Umm, we entered all of our details and then it went to the next paid where I think it asked us to check that the details were right (it had our names I think) and then it went onto the payment page.  I think this is where it stay for about 10-15 minutes before crashing.

We then used the back button and tried again as we weren't sure if it had gone through and that's when it said that our numbers had already been submitted - as in it will not let you go past the first page where you put your reg. no's if they've already been submitted.

If it has not said this then I would recommend going ahead with it.  I don't think you can use a number twice so as soon as it says it's already been used then that's confirmation (I phoned and spoke to a lady as I was confused and she said that was confirmation that it had gone through)

I hope this is a help to you?

Posted By furryvision on 06-April-2008 at 8:44pm

great, thank you. i'll try and buy them again now :D

p.s. how come they're still on sale?! i expected them to be sold out by around 11am?!


ok before i clicked "post reply" my friend just phoned me. he was the one that ordered the tickets over the phone this morning. i asked him for the booking reference number earlier and he said he didn't get one. so he's just phoned me now to say he's got hold of seetickets, who gave him the booking reference number. i've typed this into seeticket's ticket tracker and it shows up 4 tickets from cardiff, which is what we ordered. so i guess we're fine?

only thing that's got my worried is

a) i've got no confirmation via email
b) how come when i go on the site now i'm still able to go to the payment page with our reg. numbers?

hmm, really not sure if i should just go ahead and try again. if i didn't have those 2 doubts, the fact that i've got the booking reference number would be enough for me.

Posted By Button on 06-April-2008 at 9:43pm
No one really knows. It's very odd.  They sold out by about 11:30 last year - they still on sale right now. Bizarre.

Not as many people registered as last year, last year it was 400 thousand and this year it was nearly 250.

People are thinking maybe the mud.

I know this sounds bad but I'm happy - I thought it was too packed last year and it made it unpleasant at times.

Hope you get your tickets!!

Posted By Jambo on 06-April-2008 at 11:33pm
Your still able to get tickets!! Very bizzare considering the fact that last year's tickets sold out within a few hours.

Maybe the headliners aren't as good as what people expected, afterall Jay-Z is there  also, as you say button people will think of the mud etc, and take these aspects into account.

Posted By king mob on 07-April-2008 at 7:20pm

If I thought that the reason it never sold out in a day is because the days of the gloryhunter has gone then I'd be lying. In reality it's mix of losing a small section of that market but the hardcore fan such as myself just can't bloody be dealing with the sheer hassle Glastonbury has become, & that's just to get a ticket in your hands!

Last week I walked down to HMV, asked if they had Reading tickets left, was told 'yes' & bought one there & then. No ridiculous amount of organisation to get a ticket; no dubious registration process that contradicts the 'festival spirit'. Crazy innit?!!

I'm not suggesting Glastonbury go back to selling tickets over the counter, that's not practical anymore, but they seem to have spent a lot of money to have a system that's completely unchanged.

Now the positive aspect is that numbers are going to thin out; the oncoming global recession, overpriced food & drink on the site, terrible sound & the aforementioned problems will thin out those wanting to go. However the problem is that Glastonbury as we knew it died in 2000, the festival since 2002 has been a shadow of itself & although it's been fun the last few festivals have been a f**king struggle at times, so hearing the relentless Stalinesque proclaimations from Eavis, GFL and the apologists on the official message board have made people decide they're not going to fall for it anymore.

The line-up is another problem; Eavis & co promised 'one of the biggest bands in the world' to headline & got a pair of indie faithfuls & Jay Z, a huge act & an ambitious booking but it was always going to draw the criticism it did. One needs to look at Reading to see where the huge acts are playing that do attract the younger crowd Eavis craves. And that's another thing; attracting a younger crowd. It just ain't going to happen, though Eavis was right to comment on the fact the average person at Glastonbury comes from a older middle class  demographic.

Next year I do provisionally plan to go back. A year off after going every year it's been on since 1992 is overdue, but it depends on how this year's festival goes. If there's more reports of a failing infrastructure then sod it, let the posers & increasingly London-centric crowd have it. I'll book myself a Saga holiday in Wales instead.

Posted By Somersetlovely on 07-April-2008 at 8:12pm

Hi King Mob,

I totally agree with you. I had a good time last year despite the muddiness of it all however, there were FAR too many people and not enough crazy random people which is what it used to be like...

I'm going this year however it's going to have to be really F****** awesome for me to consider going next year. This is such a strange thing for me, I used to be counting down the days to the next one as soon as it finished but it does seem to really have lost its spark.

Come on this year, it's gotta be a good one! x

Posted By Button on 07-April-2008 at 9:33pm
Last year was my first ever one and at 28 it's a shame really. I only live up the road and have always wanted to go before but never had the money or anyone to go with.  I do feel like I've missed out.

I can't compare it as it was my first one but last year there were definitely too many people. It was ridiculous. A lot of people felt panicked because of the sheer volume of people in certain areas. And the mud. Well that was hard work.  I did enjoy it but I am hoping that this year will be better.  The Reading line up is ace but I just want to experience Glastonbury like it used to be.  I've got my fingers crossed.
I guess it'll be what I make it.  I'm taking lots of Thai rum and proper waterproofs this time

Posted By mairi28 on 09-April-2008 at 12:17am
Somewhat annoyed that tickets are still on sale - I blew off a weekend away to stay and get Glasto tickets, was expecting the same rush there was last year.

Posted By swinside on 09-April-2008 at 3:35am
Just popped on line this evening, registered and purchased a ticket. No hassle, no queue, no anxiety! Marvellous!

I do hope it will remain like this in future years. This is how it was for years. I've been going to glastonbury since 1985. I love it. Six months looking forward to it and six months getting over it!

It's only in recent years we've had the madness of tickets selling out in 2 hours.
I can remember not that long ago (2002) I purchased a ticket on line for the first time, and that was about a month after they had been on sale!

For years I bought my tickets over the phone, usually around May time. The festival always sold out, usually around the begining of June.
So you can imagine my horror when in 2004 I was up all night getting absolutely nowhere. Phone in one hand computer in the other. Refresh, redial, refresh, redial. AAAAHHHHHHHH! Everyone in the house phoning up as well! Nightmare!
By 11.00 the next morning I was exausted and still no ticket. I was crying my eyes out. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown!

Eventually I got a ticket about an hour before they sold out, and only because I used a link I got from a thread on this forum. I will always be grateful to the Glastonbury forum for giving me that link that day. Prevented me from being admitted to the local mental hospital!

Glastonbury was great that year but the ticket experience did taint things some what. That and watching England get knocked out of the Euro's!

In 2005 I did the whole refresh, redial thing again but didn't get a ticket. I was gutted but not in despair. I had mentally prepared myself for failure. In 2006 there was no festival and I was glad because it would spare me the April heartache of not getting a ticket.

Again last year I could not get a ticket on my phone and computer. Luckily a friend in cornwall got me a ticket. A coach ticket going from Exeter! At least I was able to go. I must admit I hated going by coach and would not do it again. Last year as you know the weather was the worst I can remember!

This year I thought bollocks to it. I can't be arsed to go through all the pain of trying to get a ticket. So I didn't register. I couldn't believe it when today they announced tickets still on sale and reopened the registration process.

So this year it feels back to normal. Buying a ticket with no hassle. This is how it should be. Long may It last.

As for the line up, who cares, I'm going to Glasto. Yeehaaaaaaa!

Posted By flyleen on 09-April-2008 at 7:39pm
just adding a bit more positive vibe...

Been many times to glasto...got engaged there, been with my 1yr old,
been pregnant pushing around my 3 yr old and this year my husband
and I are leaving the kids and selfishly going alone. We will have a
fantastic time no matter the weather or the line-up.

Thanks to this forum and the generous people who helped me get my
ticket this year, I am going to Glasto...as far as I'm concerned, the
spirit lives and I felt it on sunday.

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